Pressure washer equipment that can be mounted on a truck or a vehicle is ideal for cleaning agricultural devices and other outdoor cleaning applications. If you check a store that sells cleaning equipment or search the internet, you will find that there are a number of brands that provide portable truck-mounted pressure washer equipment. However, you have to consider several factors before selecting a portable pressure washer.
The first factor is the source of energy. If you are looking for a device for outdoor cleaning applications, you need to select a machine that has propane or gasoline as the source of power. The reason for this is that electrical outlets may not accessible in outdoor settings.
Generally, the main things people consider while selecting pressure washer equipment are temperature levels, pressure ratings, and flow rate. For demanding cleaning applications, high pressure levels and flow rates are preferable, along with hot water or steam temperatures for advanced cleaning capabilities.
At present, Daimer®, a reputable supplier of cleaning machines, has the most powerful devices. Some of the latest models in the Super Max™ series by Daimer® can provide a pressure as high as 7000 psi. One can find pressure washer equipment that can be mounted on a truck or a trailer in the Super Max™ 6000, 7000, 8700, 9000, and 12000 series. Almost all of these devices are tri-mode. This means the devices can produce all three types of output — cold water, hot water, and steam.
The first factor is the source of energy. If you are looking for a device for outdoor cleaning applications, you need to select a machine that has propane or gasoline as the source of power. The reason for this is that electrical outlets may not accessible in outdoor settings.
Generally, the main things people consider while selecting pressure washer equipment are temperature levels, pressure ratings, and flow rate. For demanding cleaning applications, high pressure levels and flow rates are preferable, along with hot water or steam temperatures for advanced cleaning capabilities.
At present, Daimer®, a reputable supplier of cleaning machines, has the most powerful devices. Some of the latest models in the Super Max™ series by Daimer® can provide a pressure as high as 7000 psi. One can find pressure washer equipment that can be mounted on a truck or a trailer in the Super Max™ 6000, 7000, 8700, 9000, and 12000 series. Almost all of these devices are tri-mode. This means the devices can produce all three types of output — cold water, hot water, and steam.